
晓平 发表于 2021-3-7 20:29:45

有趣听读输入假说(三)CSA (Content, sound and attitude)

本帖最后由 晓平 于 2021-3-9 14:52 编辑

This time let’s see if we can finally get done to work. Where do I start, you may ask. Hope this article can help you get started.
1. Content. Audio and traditional books cover such a huge range of topics. I’m sure you’ll find some stories that appeal to you. Here are some lists I found quite useful.① 2020-Renaissance-What-Kids-Are-Reading (链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1zH0IltQzXe0KtE3y7IdsUw提取码: 2u2r,用百度网盘提取)② https://www.bilibili.com/read/cv7695133内容引人入胜,让人爱不释手,书单参考如上。2. Sound. Find the audio book of your choice. I usually download my audio books on ximalaya and lxwc.com. Most renowned books have audio versions. My way of choosing a book start with the audio. If the audio is great, I buy the book. Otherwise, I move on to my next choice. Once you get the audio, start hear-read it. Three ways to choose from: hear while read, first hear then read, first read then hear. I recommend the first two ways.大脑对词语、句子、句型,甚至情感、语义联想、记忆等等所有的语言微观结构和宏观语境的感知都是建立在“声音”之上的,文字仅仅是声音的符号,没有声音输入的文字无法进入大脑的感知系统(Shopping’s hypothesis)。我的选书思路是,先选声音,再买书。三个方法:边听边读、先听后读、先读后听。我推荐前两种。3. Attitude. Once you are having fun while hearing/reading the book, you are on you way. Keep it up and language acquisition happens “automatically, subconsciously and inevitably.” (Krashen, 2014)For how long, you may ask. For as long as you like. Once you get hooked, you forget about time.How much you acquire the language equals how much time you spend hearing-reading it.“What if I am not three or six or nine or thirteen years old?” “What if I have a big test coming next year, next month, or next week?”, you may ask.Let me put it this way, what would you do to keep fit when you were 3, 6, 9, 13 or 30 years old? Would you do it differently if you were going to have a physical check-up next year, next month or next week?Happy hearing, happy reading!如果你被一个故事、一本书吸引住了,大脑习得语言的过程是“自动的、无意识的、不可避免的”。(克拉申,2014)你也许会问,如果你已经过了所谓的语言敏感期,如果你就要考试了,是不是就来不及听读了呢?我只能想到下面这个比喻。如果你想身体健康,你会做什么呢?是不是因为你是3岁,6岁,13岁,还是30岁,你会有不同的做法呢?还是因为你三年后,或者明年,或者下个月,或者下周要体检,你会有不同的做法呢?祝你听读愉快!

ROBIN9007 发表于 2021-4-21 16:11:47

Very thoughtful and original!:victory:

晓平 发表于 2021-5-24 21:31:42

Thanks. Acutually, it all goes back to Dr. S. D. Krashen. It's his idea. I streched it a little.:P
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