高建成GaoJC 发表于 2021-6-22 14:59:55

英文原版 DK Super Simple Maths 以及super simple physics 儿童STEM创新思维培养读物

本帖最后由 高建成GaoJC 于 2022-9-24 22:47 编辑

1. 物理:这本物理书包含了所有的核心课程主题,适合12岁以上儿童阅读,是家庭和学校学习的完美支持。
从原子到天文学,从力到浮力,《DK-Super simple:Physics》将信息分解成易于应付的小块内容。每个主题都有丰富的插图,事实知识解释清晰,使科学栩栩如生。借助“How it works”板块,解释重要思想,辅以简单的图形帮助理解。本书经过修订,方便的“Key facts”框提供了一个简单的总结,可供查看。《DK-Super simple》清晰、简洁地涵盖所有核心物理主题,是容易理解的科学指南。
2.数学:英文原版 DK Super Simple Maths 超级简单数学 儿童STEM创新思维培养读物 介绍数学概念 课外辅导读物。
About Super Simple Maths
From probability to statistics and from algebra to geometry, this guide makes complex topics easy to grasp at a glance. Perfect support for coursework, homework, and exam revision.
Each topic on the Maths curriculum is broken down into bitesize chunks, to make it simple to understand and accessible for all students. There are colourful diagrams and graphs to make each concept crystal clear and bring maths into focus for visual learners and even the most reluctant mathematicians.
Information panels explore certain topics in greater detail, from calculations worked through step-by-step to stories about maths in the real world. For revision, there are practice questions to test your understanding and handy "Key facts" boxes that provide bullet points that you can easily memorize.
With clear, concise coverage of all the core maths topics, Super Simple Maths is an accessible guide to maths for students aged 11 to 16, making studying for exams the easiest it's ever been.

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微笑带过 发表于 2021-6-22 17:57:41

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查看完整版本: 英文原版 DK Super Simple Maths 以及super simple physics 儿童STEM创新思维培养读物