
有趣听读输入假说(二)—— 80/20 Rule 主次原则

发布者: 晓平 | 发布时间: 2021-3-7 20:26| 查看数: 1724| 评论数: 16

本帖最后由 晓平 于 2021-3-9 11:32 编辑

If we consider my first article (A No. 1) a guideline, which is a bit theory-like, or a hypothesis, this one (A No.2) tries to visualize it into something more of a practical approach for self-educated learners as well as classroom-oriented teaching.

1. Content before form.

“Content is king,” says Steve Hoffman, a retired Canadian diplomat, who has learned a dozen foreign languages all by himself and is learning new languages in his late sixties. For more information, search Steve Hoffman on bilibili.

Very few people will be truly interested in the form of a language unless you wish to be a linguist, grammarian or a language teacher. Most people will find the story and pictures of Corduroy more interesting than full-inversion structure.

Does it mean grammar is no use at all? Off course not. Subjunctive mood is beautiful as long as you have heard or read Chrysanthemum for so many times that when you hear the first three words of any sentence you can finish the rest.

So here is my fourth hypothesis: 80/20.

Eight hours (no less) hearing an audio book or reading a regular book, then two hours (no more) working on grammar, no problem. Any ratio less than 80/20, big problem.

By hearing or reading a book, I mean hear or read just for the content. For love of it. Not reading comprehension passage in a test paper, or any other after-reading conditions attached, which would spoil the fun and acquisition.

这篇(A No.2)的目的是把第一篇的三项原则(内容、声音、感情)具体到可以实际操作。第一条:内容先于形式。故事内容吸引大多数人,语法形式只吸引极少数人,如语法学家、语言教师等。从喜欢故事到熟悉故事再到听到上句可以接上下句地重述故事,是听读的全部目标。用不少于八成的时间来听读故事,不多于两成的时间来关注语法知识。

2. Sound before sight.

Here comes THE picture.

图片(Sorry, picture can't be added. 非常重要的一张图片无法添加,请看微信公众号原文链接:https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=Mzg4NTU2OTA1Mg==&mid=2247483669&idx=1&sn=80850cae59f0b46a792f3aa61ed2e040&chksm=cfa7a266f8d02b70fefdb3ced5f0365450e352f13c5e78401bc5ad79fe16c48017ff6097dda7&scene=178&cur_album_id=1709540819663110145#rd

A picture is worth a thousand words, as the old saying goes.

Full credit to Jim Trelease, author of The Reading Aloud Handbook. What we can do is, for the first 3-4 years of anyone who starts learning English, listening comprehension is the only thing that should be done. Next 2-3 years, reading comes in at a slowly rising pace. Together, they should fill no less than 80% of the time spent on learning the language.

Without six years of hearing/reading input, I would not even mention any kind of formal writing. However, I do recommend keeping a diary. Write when you feel like it, informally. Focus on the message, the story, the content, not on grammar. Keep listening, keep reading and keep up the diary, and you will improve a lot grammatically.

Awesome credit to Professor Stephen D. Krashen, whose comprehensible input hypothesis has stood more than three decades. For more information, you can read his most well-known works Second Language Acquisition and Second Language Learning, the Natural Approach and the Power of Reading.


有关可理解性输入假说,请参阅克拉申的三本著作,Second Language Acquisition and Second Language Learning, the Natural Approach and the Power of Reading. 听力词汇的水库理论请参阅Jim Trelease的The Reading Aloud Handbook,第七版。

3. Attitude before aptitude.

Attitude is the opinion or feelings about something. To best acquire a certain skill, one has to be emotionally affected by what he does. Does a comedy or joke make you laugh? Does a love story or a movie make you happy sad? Does a speech touch your heart somehow? If none of the above happens, one is not likely to acquire a language no matter how much grammar he/she has studied.

On the other hand, if one is trapped in the confusion of grammar rules and their exceptions or is puzzled over the blanks in a cloze test for most of the time, no acquisition or learning will happen.

According to Professor Krashen’s hypothesis of affective filter, in a language classroom, a student can be easily put in a state of frustration, lack of confidence, confusion, anxiety or a high level of defence, which in turn sets up a higher level of affective filter, thus blocking all possible acquisition.

语言最初始、现在依然最基本的功能依然是指令的发出和理解、思想和情感的交流等。语言的形成和使用、人类如何学习语言等问题依然没有科学家给以给出合理的解释,语言的复杂性、人类大脑学习机制的复杂性让语法规则远远不能解释所有的语言现象。乔姆斯基的语言生成理论在计算机语言应用、人机互动方面取得了卓越的成就,但用公式建模解释人类语言,或用公式学习和掌握人类语言的尝试远远不够令人满意。乔姆斯基自己也坦言,语言的形成与使用的复杂性让任何目前所有的理论解释都无法得出令人满意的答案。也许语言的学习仍需回到最初始的状态--- 每个婴儿在其认知能力、抽象思维能力等几乎为零的时候,迅速地在三至五年达到了任何母语者所具备的流利的语言沟通能力。他们是如何做到的?

(相关理论依据来自于克拉申的专著The Natural Approach中讨论的情感态度与语言学习能力的关系和情感过滤假说。)

本篇总结:content, sound, attitude. 听读内容引人入胜;声音输入为先;听读体验以打动内心、给人愉悦为主要目的。



1. EnglishPod 365 (链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1aTwBje9uK5yaV7NJFJW8Fg

提取码:yh77 ,用百度网盘提取)

2. American Stories (51voa.com,直接下载mp3, 文本可直接复制)

3. 自己喜欢的有声小说音频和电子书(搜索网址:两小无猜网,注册,然后用百度网盘下载)


(链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1zH0IltQzXe0KtE3y7IdsUw 提取码: 2u2r,用百度网盘提取)




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jia 发表于 2021-3-8 17:59:49
hoosdathu 发表于 2021-3-9 00:33:56
感谢大大花了时间和精力整理出资料并慷慨分享  80/20 Rule 主次原则 ^_^
晓平 发表于 2021-3-9 08:21:44
jia 发表于 2021-3-8 17:59

晓平 发表于 2021-3-9 08:22:17
hoosdathu 发表于 2021-3-9 00:33
感谢大大花了时间和精力整理出资料并慷慨分享  80/20 Rule 主次原则 ^_^

花火Mojito 发表于 2021-3-11 14:42:15
晓平 发表于 2021-3-12 09:35:48
小H 发表于 2021-3-31 16:01:02
晓平 发表于 2021-4-5 20:11:44
小H 发表于 2021-3-31 16:01

Nicole游(英语 发表于 2021-4-12 16:45:19

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