
德艺斋刘老师的个人空间 http://www.xxttq.com/?5371 [收藏] [复制] [分享] [RSS]


one day one day
2021-5-14 07:33 回复|
the great time.
2021-5-7 03:39 回复|
take you a red flower.
2021-5-1 03:41 回复|
yakka dee
2021-4-22 07:31 回复|
Just when all hope seemed lost, message of a new discovery drew us to an unknown planet called Earth.
2021-4-19 05:15 回复|
since my nine years old, i have fighten twenty-six years with english language.
2021-4-13 08:02 回复|
A man is known by the company he keeps.
2021-4-12 03:38 回复|
fogetting of the yesterday. today is still nothing.
2021-4-10 21:32 回复|
every hour every second, I am feeling the hurt of my body. The life is not happy.
2021-4-8 05:13 回复|
Today, I don't think a good idea, so put down myself.
2021-4-7 06:33 回复|
nothing is as powerful as an idea whose time has come.
2021-4-5 03:42 回复|
follow me. The costomers paid twenty-seven in total. Then it plus two of worker's to equl twenty-nine. so where is another one?
2021-4-4 04:47 回复|
Three people ate bread. They paid thirty yuan. One is ten. The boss gave back five them. The worker of the bread gave them three. One is One. Then every one have paid nine. The letter is not enough.
2021-4-3 04:28 回复|
Beacuse the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, and the ones who do.
2021-4-2 04:59 回复|
Buzzzz! hello little girl. peekaboo where are you i see you.
2021-4-1 05:30 回复|
2021-3-31 04:43 回复|
2021-3-30 07:33 回复|
2021-3-29 03:20 回复|
2021-3-28 07:38 回复|
2021-3-27 04:53 回复|